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Amir Atoufi is a postdoctoral research associate at DAMTP, the atmosphere-ocean dynamics group, and G. K. Batchelor Laboratory. He received his PhD from the University of Waterloo in the Fall of 2020, where he studied turbulence in stably stratified boundary layers. From 2021-2023, he was involved in the ERC-funded project STAMP (Stratified Turbulence and Mixing Processes). He studied physical processes behind anti-diffusive layering in the stratified shear layers and how different these processes are in the estuary flows, straits and the open ocean. He also studied the interconnection between internal hydraulics and mixing properties in exchange flows. He now studies oceanic bottom boundary layer turbulence and the interaction of tidal forcing with boundary layer upwelling and downwelling processes in collaboration between DAMTP and Earth Sciences.     


Long-wave instabilities of sloping stratified exchange flows
L Zhu, A Atoufi, A Lefauve, RR Kerswell, PF Linden
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Geometry of stratified turbulent mixing: local alignment of the density gradient with rotation, shear and viscous dissipation
X Jiang, A Atoufi, L Zhu, A Lefauve, J Taylor, S Dalziel, P Linden
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Stratified inclined duct: two-layer hydraulics and instabilities
A Atoufi, L Zhu, A Lefauve, JR Taylor, RR Kerswell, SB Dalziel, GA Lawrence, PF Linden
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Geometry of stratified turbulent mixing: local alignment of the density gradient with rotation, shear and viscous dissipation
X Jiang, A Atoufi, L Zhu, A Lefauve, JR Taylor, SB Dalziel, PF Linden
Long-wave instabilities of sloping stratified exchange flows
L Zhu, A Atoufi, A Lefauve, RR Kerswell, PF Linden
Stratified inclined duct: Direct numerical simulations
L Zhu, A Atoufi, A Lefauve, JR Taylor, RR Kerswell, SB Dalziel, GA Lawrence, PF Linden
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Stratified inclined duct: two-layer hydraulics and instabilities
A Atoufi, L Zhu, A Lefauve, JR Taylor, RR Kerswell, SB Dalziel, GA Lawrence, PF Linden
Stratified inclined duct: direct numerical simulations
L Zhu, A Atoufi, A Lefauve, JR Taylor, RR Kerswell, SB Dalziel, GA Lawrence, PF Linden
Kinetic energy cascade in stably stratified open-channel flows
A Atoufi, K Andrea Scott, ML Waite
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Characteristics of quasistationary near-wall turbulence subjected to strong stable stratification in open-channel flows
A Atoufi, KA Scott, ML Waite
– Physical Review Fluids
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Research Group

Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics




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